Hello, hello HueMans!I am Serjay Svek, the Color Surfing DJ coming from the Fair Isle of Serjayvia.I am a Philippine VTuber and I hope to bring a little more color to your day with my streams and videos!

Special Thanks

Model, overlay elements, emotes c/o Myluz
Thumbnail pose art c/o ate_g
Highlight Video Editing c/o Gladius
Streambeats c/o Streambeats
"Nobody's Perfect" and "Honey" c/o David Cutter Music
"Colors of the Surf" by Esca of Barista Beats

Outfits With Lore

Red Hot HueMan

Though he mastered manipulating the color waves in the hidden Fair of Isle of Serjayvia, Serjay could never generate them on his own. Ashamed he could not live up to his ancestors' legacy, he spent most of his time in the cities, learning human culture.

Color Surfing DJ

After an incident where he could not save someone in trouble, Serjay made special clothes that would have color waves always ready for use.Seeking a different path from his ancestors, he renovates an abandoned radio station and streams to the world.

Dashing Diplomat

With his newfound fame, the world slowly knew of the existence of HueMans. With that came fear and persecution. Serjay now advocates for HueMan rights to the larger world.Though if anyone wishes to harm Serjayvia, Serjay is ready to strike back if needed.

Serena Svek

Nobody knows who Serena truly is, but she appeared one day to Serjay and offered to help with his goal of protecting HueMans.While Serjay prefers to charm and seek out peaceful solutions, Serena steps in when the situation needs a more decisive, violent result.